Sustainability 11. August 2021


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Bending Line for Panels
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Bending Line for Casings
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Produced Steel Doors
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Produced Façade Cladding
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MPB Bending Unit for Thicker and Longer Products
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PivaBend bending machines are equipped for profile, panel or casing-type parts. They are best suited for product families that require fast cycle times. The parts are pre-programmed and tested for the Factory Acceptance Tests.

The bending lines and the bender have a material-friendly part flow, making them ideal for delicate materials like pre-painted steel or aluminium. A typical bending line has a wing-former for each side of the part. Utilizing this technology in a continuous process results in low cycle times.

PivaBend MPB machine excel where exceptionally complicated profiles or thicker materials are used. The bender can be utilized as a stand-alone machine or in a bending line depending on your production needs.