Product novelty 03. November 2023

Powerful and affordable: The 2D fiber laser MSE SmartFL

At the Blechexpo MicroStep Europa will present the latest version of the MSE SmartFL laser performer. The fiber laser cutting system is a powerful and at the same time cost-effective system for high-quality 2D laser cutting, including an automatic shuttle table. The series is available in cutting areas from 1,500 x 3,000 up to 2,500 x 6,000 mm and can be equipped with laser sources of up to 20 kW.

The system owes its high reliability and process safety to the fact that it is equipped entirely with top-quality brand-name components. At the same time, the highly attractive pricing with comparatively manageable investment and operating costs enables a fast return on investment. And, of course, all this comes in a package with MicroStep‘s outstanding premium service!

The MSE SmartFL is more than a modern laser cutting system with high-quality components: The system is already well equipped for the manufacturing of the future! As theMSE SmartFL is optimized for the use of IndustryFusion, a cross-vendor open source connectivity solution for Smart Factories and Smart Products.